Offset printing company for large quantites​

We have our own offset production plant, that makes us suitable for print runs above 500 pieces.


Before printing, please contact our experts, who will send you an offer, customized to suit your needs.

Printing company for large quantites​

Uploading files​

When you upload files (usually in PDF), you already did your part and our team takes care of everything else.

We stick to our production deadlines​

When we reach an understanding about the price, we talk about production deadlines, which are flexible and always met.

Eco Green technology​

We use Eco Green technology in preparation and ecological colours in our printing process, and they are made from environmentally friendly ingredients, which is why waste colours and their packaging does not pollute the environment.


We use printing plates with the Eco Green technology by the Fuji company. Machines for developing panels are computerized, connected in a network and use a special developing solution that enables very precise dosing and monitoring. The waste developing solution is cleaned in a filtration system before being taken away, and this ensures that the amount of waste developing solution splits to 1/3 of concentrated sludge and 2/3 of distilled water, which is reused in the printing process.
All paper waste that is produced in the finishing process is sorted and sent to recycling.

Protecting the

Our company is protecting the environment throughout the entire work process. All paper waste that is produced in the finishing process is sorted and sent to recycling.


We use ecological colours from a German manufacturer in our printing process, and they are made from environmentally friendly ingredients, which is why waste colours and their packaging does not pollute the environment. in the process of washing our machines, we use the distilled water that has been previously collected during panel developing. During winter, the heat produced by the auxiliary power units on the technical premises is directed into the ventilation system, which reduces our use of fossil fuels for heating the entire building. Cloths, used for cleaning our machines, are returned to the supplier after being used. There they are ecologically washed and returned to circulation.

We can produce FSC®-certified products on request​

FSC® certificate


BIO colours certificate



You will find us in Maribor, at Puhova ulica 18.

The company lies directly next to the Celje – Šentilj motorway. The motorway exit no. 4 (Maribor East) takes you west towards Maribor. After a couple hundred metres you notice the Evrografis building with its yellow façade on your left. That is where the business entrance is, while the cargo entrance is at the parallel Kuharjeva street, also properly marked.

The facilities are accessible to all types of cars and trucks.

  • Number of pages
  • Dimensions (final format of printed matter)
  • Quantity
  • Printing material (type of paper or cardboard)
  • Type of printing (one- or both-sided)
  • Adding value to the printed matter (laminating, heat printing, UV printing, etc.)
  • Finishing (type of binding, folding, perforating, gouging, cutting, numbering, puncturing, addressing, packaging, etc.)
You may send us electronic material via email to addresses posted on our website via WeTransfer or upload them on our FTP server. It is also possible to provide us with material on portable media (CD, DVD, USB Flash Disk/Drive/Key).

Contact us

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